Beginnings of Astral Sight?
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09-13-2007, 07:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Beginnings of Astral Sight?
My vibrations are coming more and more frequently in the morning. Each day, my fiance' wakes me up before she goes to school. I tell her I love her and then start to head back to sleep. As I sleep now, I can feel myself entering the hypogonic stage. It is at this point where I start to make out shapes and see lights (particuarly the strobing lights on my stereo). I haven't had an OBE in a while due to lack of time to practice, but I have been doing my energy work bi-nightly when I have the time or will. I find that the shapes are blurry, and I can't bring them into focus for detail. Also, as I feel this sort of Astral Sight I start to feel mild vibrations! Every time I get the sight I get these vibrations. I try to make them more intense and fall into a better state to project, but I have ended up falling asleep before this....
I think if I void meditated during the morning hours, I could project easily. But is this the beginning of Astral Sight? Or am I dreaming it up?
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