Sigh. So confused.
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09-06-2007, 06:59 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sigh. So confused.
I have always struggled with OBEs. I've had them. Has anyone done validations before? And even if you did, can you guarantee that you were not in a lucid dream with telepathic effects in it? I keep having these debates with people at but their skepticism is so harsh. The worst part is, it's full of pretty good arguments. I was such a strong believer before, but now I can't be sure. I can't be sure that this isn't all in our heads?
Do you ever feel like that? What if I'm a crazy person? What if I am one of those crazy people I used to laugh at that think they are demons and such? Is this all real? And if it is, how can we prove it to them? And more importantly how did you prove it to yourselves? I couldn't prove it to myself. I thought I could, but I can't now. Can you guys help me with this? OBEs scientifically don't make sense. So people who are closed-minded, they must be impossible. I just need some reassurance about this. I don't know who is right anymore.
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