A very curious Projection
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09-03-2007, 03:20 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hello Aunt Clair,
Thank you for your response. At this point, I'm still not sure what to call it but what you've said has sparked some thoughts. I tried looking up cloud realms and castle ashrams but couldn't find anything on them but I get the gist of it (I hope). When you mean cloud realm, though, is it entirely of clouds or is that the main feature? I'd love to explore there, if I could. And if I do, I will definitely explore that palace.
I didn't see any clouds except while I was being sucked out of it when my mother shook me awake. Although, it might've just been everything blurring so fast it resembled a white rush of clouds.
It might've been I was seeing my higher self in a higher plane palace. It's got me thinking since I've been an avid dreamer my whole life (6 or more per night) I normally have first person POV but I have been seeing myself lately...mostly me being guided 'somewhere' with a general feeling of fear of not making it, and lately a lot of weird things have been happening to me, so no clue yet.
I shall meditate on it. And hopefully I'll get to experience this place again.
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