guides, real or manifestations of subconscious
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08-25-2007, 07:11 PM
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Oct 2005
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Weeeellll... maybe that's only one half the equation. when you take into account the things from science that are altering how things are viewed.
Einstein said everything is relative & we know he was wrong - or at least the conditions within which he is correct are rather prescribed by the scope of your view. In Einstein's universe, nothing is real unless it is observed - it's the observer that defines the conditions or state of things.
So in that cosmos, what you experience is real for you & neither others' realities nor even existence can be evaluated in anything other than a subjective way.
But then comes the quantum world. Now things change ever so slightly. Rather than only the subjective being real, the equivalent statement is more like 'every perception becomes reality.'
How this is brought into action when the 'perception' is via the extremely limited filtering system that is the human organism is a fine question indeed. If one doesn't know the workings of the internal combustion motor & one 'imagines' a car, does the universe go hunting around for a mind that does know the workings?
Laying the source of knowledge to the door of Akashic Records is regressive - at some point, some being had to first imagine the internal combustion motor for the records to get the information. So it seems maybe how we perceive things can actually create the cosmos within which we perceive them - the perception is not quite so passive.
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