Howdihi, That was an interesting experience to say the least. I think what you had was an OBE. Whenever I've done this it's the strangest feeling. Once I was viewing from inside of a cat. The cat was running from something and kept looking back over it's shoulder. I could feel it's emotional state, which was fear. I could even feel the wet grass on it's chin. It was very cool. What you've described sounds similar to that. As far as your Son trying to make contact, I'm not sure that I see the connection. Did he like bugs or have a fascination with them? That would be a connection to look for. You also didn't state if this bug was indiginous to your area, that would also be an indicator. Things being SO out of place that there would be no other explanation of it being there. Also, I want to mention that I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I can't even begin to imagine the pain and sorrow of a loss of that magnitude. Blessings to you and yours.