Can you prove OBEs exist?
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07-25-2007, 07:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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Well, if you called me psychic I'd have to hurt you- JK! The word psychic has such negative connotations-memories of 'Miss Cleo' come to mind.
The reason that I like AP as a category is because if you put together all the things that have happened to me paranormally speaking, AP fits the bill, while the more broad psychic, (which just means relating to mind, btw) telepathic, psi, and other terms really don't.
I don't do pk (or never tried), can't tell you your future, can't even get the lotto numbers right, no matter how long I meditate, lol) I can't channel anyone else, or any other things that are thought of as 'psychic'.
What I can do is have other people's dreams, (used to be able to) project somewhere else and tell what was happening at the time (which could definitely be explained as telepathy)- I've also seen other people's astral doubles (which IMO can't be explained by telepathy) and other energy-related things. So to me it's a case of tomayto-tomahto.
And I have had info that could only be explained Akashic-records wise, since I didn't even know the Dr. that gave me the lecture. This I will only talk about in pm, because it's highly personal.
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