A few spontanious obe's today
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07-15-2007, 04:17 AM
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Nov 2005
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A few spontanious obe's today
I took a nap late this morning after waking up a little earlier than I needed to. The phone rang while I was sleeping and I didn't get up to answer it but after a few minutesI found myself in the mind awake body alseep state. I stood up right out of my body. I was in my room and went out into the hallway and then decided I really wanted to go to the astral not just hang out in the rtz.
I next found myself shooting through a tunnel at a fast speed, it was made of black and white lights or I only saw it in black and white. If I ended up somewhere, I don't remember.
I was back in my body and decided to try again, I was in a different tunnel this time. The pattern of light in the tunnel was different than the first one but still black and white. As I was flying through it, I thought I should be asking to see a guide. I found myself slowing down in the tunnel and backing up, I turned and saw a different tunnel. This one looked almost man-made with plaster walls and eventually as I moved along there was a wood floor and then I was in a large building of some sort. The building reminded me of a castle but it had white plaster walls and dark wooden floors. There were lots of people moving around on their own business. I went down some stairs and entered a large open hall. I continued down more stairs and there was a woman standing by a table with some children's drawings on it. As I looked at one of the drawings, I saw that it was of a daisy in a flower pot and it had my name signed on it, like something I made when I was very young.
I was back in my body and tried again. Another tunnel experience but I was having trouble seeing. I called for clarity but still my vision was fading. The same woman who had been standing by the table was holding what looked to me like another child's drawing or cut-out, she was asking what I saw when I looked at it and I tried to answer but I couldn't see very well at all by this point.
I felt myself pulled back to my body, someone was touching my face right below my nose and above my upper lip. It felt very strange. She was saying, "There you are." over and over. I became frightened and then she looked frightening, luckily I could barely see. I calmed down thinking I was making the experience frightening myself and I just didn't understand what she was attempting to do and it became less frightening. I opened my physical eyes thinking someone was actually there trying to wake me up and I was a little irritated. There was nobody there. I figured whoever it was, was still there in the rtz next to my bed so I said, "sorry I don't understand," and got up.
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