Astral and the Computer
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04-12-2007, 03:27 AM
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Oct 2005
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I'm sitting here trying to put all this into perspective. Hasalameth, from reading a couple of your posts, I had the impression from what you said that you could consider yourself a psivamp. I'm not making a judgement about that, I'm just telling you how it came across to me, personally.
I agree about searching your past lives. I think that we bring many of the problems, experiences, and gifts along with us into each new incarnation. We aren't born fresh, we have an immortal, multidimensional history. So, if someone spent a previous life doing a lot of negative things, they very well could bring that along with them into this current incarnation, hoping either to "fix" the problem (if it's even a problem), or to understand it better. Doing past life work, I've come across many things that I've created for myself in this life, that haven't served me very well. Understanding it is the first step to moving on from it.
Here's what I know, and it's merely what I personally know, it's not a given. I think that we "feed" off each other constantly. I really don't like that word, it's got so many bad connotations. We "exchange" energy is more correct. I think we are multi-dimensional creatures, and that we can't even begin to imagine the infinite number of our "selves" that are living concurrent lives, exploring other possibilities. The knowledge and experiences of those infinite other selves bleed through to our dimension and affect us in ways we aren't even conscious of on this level (as human). Similarly, our energies bleed into each other. Whether it's conscious or not, it occurs...constantly. You can't completely shield yourself from it, it's a natural and inescapable experience. It's not "wrong", it's a part of what life is all about. Becoming angry or becoming loving affects those around us. I don't think anyone would deny that. We are here to learn, to progress, to experience. Shutting off from that experience is an experience, and a valid one at that. Recently, I made the decision to not shut off from experience and live the game. (For those of you who have seen my enlightenment thread and wondering why the hell I'm talking like this).
There is no "wrong" experience. Shielding is fine, not shielding is fine. Everyone will and must create their own experience. We make choices, and must live with those choices. And, that leads us to other choices, and on and on.
I agree and am very familiar with the idea that raising your vibration is the best protection there is. How do you do that? It's different for everyone. For me, channeling anger or aggression (which is a big part of my makeup) into something more positive is one way to do it. Another is to, helpling others, trying to understand my ego's existence, and learning all there is to know about multidimensional existence is a way of channeling aggression that is positive for me. If other's are "feeding" off of me, I have no doubt that I am also doing the same thing. How you think of it is important. If you accept that it's a part of life and our soul's experience, it becomes a neutral thing. If you focus on the "negative" aspects of it, it becomes a negative experience for you and probably for others. If you focus on the "positive" aspects of it, of which there are many, it can actually raise your vibration and evolve you. Knowing that we constantly share energy, give it freely and receive it freely. Accept and recognize that we influence each other. Working to influence others in a positive way, attracts that energy to you...the law of attraction. Judging only brings judgement...again, the law of attraction. Being negative only brings negativity. Ok, I'm done.
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