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Old 04-16-2007, 10:57 AM   #41

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I have found that the earth is a living creature and that there are spots in nature that are exceedingly useful for replenishing ones personal energy.


I also see every human being who consumes animal or plant products as being a sort of psi vamp, this includes myself. If we eat food created from other life forms, we are essentially consuming energy that another organism stored and it eventually gets converted into higher forms of energy for our usage. In this way we are predators by nature. The world, and the universe in general, seems predatory in nature from my experience. I don't know many if any people who do not consume food so it seems we're all guilty of this to some extent. The only difference is that some of us may give back to nature what we take, while others simply consume and do not give back.
Oh what joy it is to see thoughts very similar to your own to be expressed by someone seemingly remote and unconnected. Thank you M for that post. In time, we will learn that souls can behave and work in very different ways, and chakras that now are considered to be "damaged" or even "destroyed", are just chakras outside the scope of the reader's knowledge. I'm dropping the psivamp subject, because I see much sense and insight has been posted in this thread already.

I'm very interested in those spots that can be used for replenishing energy. I would love a PM with links to URL's or just descriptions / co-ordinates and directions to these places, aswell as just general tips on finding them. I never gave it much thought, but when I was visiting some Islands in South-Eastern Asia, I really felt how I could work with energy and do all things paranormal much better. I actually came to a point where I managed to slightly bend reality according to my will. I will write a post about this in the near future.

About cutting the bonds with others, I have to say that many relationships on the other hand give you energy. Ever felt that "love"-high? I think Love is one of the purest and most potent forms of energy, also most high-frequence vibrating energy. Divine energy is the only energy I can think of that vibrates on a higher level and "feels" better so to speak. But on the other hand, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I might seem arrogant and unreachable, but this is probably because I'm not feeling very well that day and I have to keep others away from my empathic links.

In the end (and beginning and inbetween), we're all the same energy.

Thanks again MalevolenT, much appreciated.
Gofthooxdix is offline


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