Debate that took Rain, iF's thread off-topic
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04-30-2007, 05:11 AM
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Oct 2005
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Regarding observing a card and reading it...that can only be done accurately in the Real Time Zone. And, that is a very difficult thing to maintain (staying in the RTZ). The moment something seems "weird"...a piece of furniture out of place, an object not usually there, you have strayed into the astral, which is unstable. What you think becomes what happens. What you fear subconsciously, can appear. I've been positive before I was in the RTZ, just to have some tiny little thing not quite right. If I wasn't being very observant, I would have sworn I was in the RTZ. I personally think it's easier to remote view in the RTZ than to OBE to it. But, you can still misinterpret things remote viewing.
In a class I took on remote viewing, we had a very strict experiment set up. I got a lot of things right, but then got stuck on one idea, which skewed everything else from there. I was trying to make things fit my new paradigm, rather than just reporting exactly what I saw. Personal perception is everything, IMO.
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