My OBE Thread
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02-18-2006, 10:21 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
today i woke up early and decidet to try to project. it took me nearly an hour to achieve the right state to project. i managed for the first time ever to maintain full waking consciousness all the time up to this state. earlyer i drifted off to sleep afew times before i could project, so when i projected the mind was a bit dreamy but this time not. this time i also felt no vibrations as i fell them usually but i felt as though my whole body was moving like turbulent water. its hard to describe but i felt rushing sensations like the body rushes if that makes sense...
anyway i tryed to in to induce vibrations by doing the full body circuit (it worked once before although im not sure whether this was a dream) and the inner movement became much stronger. i tryed to get out by rolling out of body and it worked but i felt a great deal of my awareness being still in the physical body so i felt both the projectable and the physical body equally strong. thats also hard to describe...
to concentrate solely on the projectable body was very hard this time and movement was very hard. nevertheless i walked to the wall and tryed to walk through it head first. i came very close to the wall and i could fell it and see it very close but i couldnt move further. then i walked to another wall and tryed a technique that i did once before in a lucid dream:
first i reached with both hands through the wall. then i held the wall from the other side and pulled myself through the wall. this time it wasnt a problem since my subconscious knew that it is possible because i did it once before. i was really happy about that and lost concentration for a moment and was back in the body. my dreams seem to be a great help for projection. thats cool
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