My OBE Thread
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03-09-2006, 05:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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I tryed to project this morning because didnt have to go to school early. after some time of trying to calm my mind i thought that im propably in the right state of mind to induce vibrations. i did the full body circuit and vibrations fadet in but only in some parts of my body. i felt my heart(-chakra) racing and felt very strong vibrations in my hips that kicked my hips out of body. at that time i thought that my physical hips moved and that its over because i moved and i broke my concentration and immediately fell asleep. now you shurely think: 'why does he write such a boring experience into this thread?' that is because i have an i dea concerning the dreams i get after 'failed' projection attempts:
1. i can think more clearly that in other dreams although i think im awake. that is because of
2. every such dream starts with a false awakening and takes place near my body.
so here is what i think: false awakening ARE dreams but they are dreams that are highly influenced by a projection that is going on just at the same time. for me it is like this: whenever i experience vibrations im going to have an OBE whether with normal consciousness or dream consciuousness because i never just came to full consciousness directly after vibrations. i either had an obe or a flase awakeining. i wonder if this is true for everybody and here is my problem: i often heard from people who experienced vibrations but werent able to get out and gave up frustrated. this is a question for all these people: did you directly return to full waking consciousness after vibrations fadet away or did you also have such a 'dream'.
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