My OBE Thread
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04-18-2006, 02:24 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
thank you crispassion and cftraveler for your feedback. yesterday i had an OBE again but didnt have the time to post it here immediately.
i woke up in the perfect state to induce vibrations so i did. the first time they reached their peak i heard a buzzing sound and voices just like you tune in to aradio station. this broke my concentration and vibrations fadet away but i induced them again and this time exited without problems. then the problems came: movement was very hard i kept being draged bacj towards my body. i read that this can happen sometimes and will becaome weaker when i go away from my body so i did. when i was about ten meters away i could move freely again. i wanted to get out of the house but since my pevious attempts to go through a wall wernt very good i just jumped out of the window and it was no problem. i landed outsido of my house where my father stood (not really maybe a thought form) . he told me that im not alowed to be here. i wanted to ask why but then i wanted to learn how to fly. i read that i have to focus on my destination not on the flying itself so i did and indeed i was flying. it was hard to maintain the flying but still very enjoyable. i did this for the next few minutes and during that time the projection turned into adream i think because background music started to play that carryed over to the dream immediately after the projection. i was surprised how long the projection lasted and decided to return to my body i focused on it and immediately was back in my bed but not in my body. i felt myself lying in bed and at the same time struggling in bed (i dont know why i struggled). very weird feeling. after a few seconds i made the reentry. it was a false awakening and a semi-lucid dream started. as i said the music carryed over until i told it to stop and i was amazed about the psychic abilities i have just because i projected (only in the dream).
there are a few thing i want to point out:
1. the 'radio effect' during vibrations. was it haluzination or something else?
2. i had problems with reentry. i think i read about it in asteral dynamics. Robert Bruce sais this is because the physical body fals asleep too deeply. this sounds logical because it leads to
3. i didnt awake imediately but had a false awakening. this is because my physical body wasnt ready to awake completely yet.
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