Vision/sight question
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02-15-2007, 09:43 PM
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Oct 2005
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eyeoneblack wrote:
Sometimes I think we get to talking about phenomema as if it were a game of one-up-manship. Like "Wow" that; and me, "Wow" this, and it seems to get a little out of hand. It's like an exercise of language rather than actual experience.
Don't get me wrong, I encourage the free and willful imagination (the imagination is where the action is) but at a point, one has to wonder if the poster isn't just prevaricating. Actually I was worried that it might come out like that, but I assure I could care less about "one-upping" any one. Whats the possible gain in that?
I sat there for like ten minutes before I hit the "submit" button. I was worried about any reactions people might have, and worried about sharing something so personal.
And, I wouldn't have posted it at all if there wasn't a few people here that see those confounded tiny particles dancing around everything and everywhere.
Great , now I have turned a personal mystery into a social meandering.
Bah, maybe next time I'll keep it to myself.
Yet sometimes we experience things that, knowing regular society would deem insane or ficticious, we hesitate to talk about, so we file it as 'weird' and try to ignore it or think aboutit later. Then, when we find a place like this, where people talk about the things that they experience, we recognize the similarities to those that happened to us, so we want to add our account, sometimes in sheer joy of not being the only one who experiences it, and other times because we want others to know that they're not the only ones who experience this. Exactly CF, You really picked out the underlying issue there, thanks.
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