Prescription Drugs and their effect on OBE
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04-14-2007, 12:48 AM
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Jan 2006
Senior Member
Congrats on the two successful obe's.
I am wondering if, perhaps, my success with obe lately is related to my not taking the drug. It's hard to say. Paxil has a half life of 15-20 hours. That means about 5 days for your body to be clear of it. How longs was it after you stopped the meds that you had the first projection? Please let us know if you still have projections now that you are taking Paxil again. Even if the stopping of the medication caused the projections, it would be a temporary effect. The body chemistry would balance out again.
Exercise and diet though, those will both improve your abilities to project.
Did you expect that not having the meds would increase your ability to project or was it an after thought? This will help find an answer to if it was a placebo effect or actual brain chemistry.
*edit Changed 15-20 days to 15-20 hours.
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