Controlling astral awareness?
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04-05-2007, 10:54 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
There is a reason I get scared, even though such a trance is a positive thing:
My subconscious and unconscious are, quite frankly, a firestorm. I have multiple emotional blockages at this point in my life and a lot is going on. Everything is just below the surface.
Is it possible that this is affecting my relationship with the astral at all, i.e. 'jolting' me out of my body?
I know I communicated over the astral to someone when I was in distress last week, and that got me out of a rather painful and scary state. I wasn't aware of it until the person called me on the telephone asking if I had been trying to contact them.
This is what scares me; that I will lose all composure/control over my own reality when I reach this state.
Is it possible that this is a reaction to my state, and what would happen if I did in fact release when there is so much underneath?
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