My latest experiences
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04-09-2007, 02:43 PM
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Oct 2005
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Joel, that's a sweet thing to say, thank you.
In answer to your question:
Well, will my clairvoyance naturally grow as it has? If i simply continue doing my obe attempts and meditation is that enough? I believe, yes. I also believe that you will become aware just how active it already is the more you learn to pay attention to the messages coming your way. Meditation is always recommended by practising psychics and, when practised wisely, with grounding and in moderation, it's good for you in many ways.
I think honouring your psychic experiences is also important. You must pay attention to the messages you receive, however unlikely they seem. (That said, you cannot always prevent the bad things from happening
In fact, pay attention to your environment too. Mine is full of omens and they are uncannily accurate in giving me a sense of what I can expect in my day. Also, guides can get messages through this way when you're not otherwise very receptive.
Keeping a dream journal is also great or, at least, pay attention to your dreams. There is all this information coming while you sleep, some of it literal and some of it metaphorical.
Don't ignore your vibes. If someone or something gives you the creeps, avoid it or be very cautious. If you find yourself double-thinking a situation that wouldn't normally worry you, avoid it this time. Also, be patient. If you are prevented, held up, inconvenienced, trust that this may be to your benefit and don't get angry.
Forgive and release pain from the past. Avoid being drawn into other's dramas. Be aware of what is yours and what belongs to others in terms of negativity. Drains on your energy will lessen psychic ability/energy. There is, however, a kind of grace that happens in times of major life upheaval. Either your Higher Self kicks in or the heavy duty guides take the shift. If you read about people in concentration camps, prisoner of war camps or in violent abusive homes,etc, there are invariably psychic experiences that occur in response to duress that help them survive either physically and/or spiritually and emotionally.
Ignore people who make you feel stupid for believing in your six sense.
Be playful. Make psychic games for yourself and practise with a lightheartedness so it's never about ego.
Control the ego. Be humble. The ego will distort psychic messages.
There, does that give you something to star with, Joel?
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