I just assumed that any poster who mispells his own handle probably satisfies this definition of "journeyman:" def. "any sound, experienced, but not brilliant craftsman or performer (Webster New College Dictionary)." So I decided to keep it simple and provide you easily grasped discussions of ESP theories. Obviously, my post wasn't worded simply enough for you. You reply: "Given that xenoglossy is a made up word (it isn't in any dictionary to which I have access) it isn't really a wonder that I didn't know the church has restrictions on it."
You pass yourself off as well read in parapsychology. Xenoglossy is the standard term in the fleld for the phenomenon of speaking an unlearned language, and yet, you were unaware of this.
You handle's implicatlon is confirmed by your simple-minded rejection of Heaney's book simply on the grounds that he us a Jesuit. In fact, contrary to your bigoted preconception, Heaney rejects the notion that "possession cases necessarily involve possession by Satan (p. 40)." Also silly is your trivialization of David Fontana's research on the grounds: "I can't find any evidence of his involvement in experimentation of things psi or psychic." In fact, Fontana has made "significant contributions" to parapsychology on "mediumship, both mental and physical, poltergeists and the Electronic Voice Phenomenon" (quoting Prof. Archie Roy). Among his many distinguished roles, Fontana is the past President and current Vice President of the Society for Psychical Research. He is an expert. You seem to rely on ad hominem attacks and crass assumptions to avoid the hard work of critical engagement.