How do u convince ppl of astral projection?
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03-14-2007, 08:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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There is no burden of proof unless you are forcing your views on others. Even in christian faith, they say that one must not force others to convert, they should invite and ensure the person joins from their own free will. That's why they don't kill nonbelievers anymore, they just distribute pamphlets door to door and recite the bible on the new york subway!
If you're going to teach astral projection, you'll most likely be teaching it to people who are open to the possibility that it is "real." These people, as was already mentioned, will be able to judge for themselves, provided that they use your teachings correctly.
If you want to hold workshops, all you need is a reputation. Write a book about your experiences, expose your theories and explain your methods, see how much mail you get -- that's about it!
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