A Matter of Ethics
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02-28-2007, 12:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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To me the important question to settle in your mind before taking stonger action would be to determine if the person is doing this completely consciously. I wasn't quite clear about that from your post. You would have to be absolutely certain that the 'invader' is who you think it is and is deliberately 'invading'.
But if you
certain of that, I don't feel you'd be doing anything wrong in escalating. Naturally the person has been warned and sometimes people need a little lesson.
Personally, from the sound of it, I think the universe is trying to send you a situation that will get you to think about such issues.
do these things purely with a loving intent, but still kick some ass! You are entitled to your privacy. As long as you feel the escalation is fitting, then it is. Doing nothing is in my opinion not such a cool idea.
In my case I would not use the same kinds of defences as for a negative entity though! I would do magic to make him get lost on the way from his place to mine, for example. Since he's a novice projector that should puzzle him!
Sometimes people just have to learn, don't they?
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