My most powerful OBE
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02-25-2007, 01:02 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Welcome to Samadhi land.
You can google samadhi. It's a well known experience in Eastern thought.
My experience was almost identical to yours, but with a little different interpretation. I didn't feel "love", because the term "bliss" is closer to it. But, even that doesn't describe it. It was really a lack of any human emotion, and an elevated knowing of Oneness. I realized I was God/Source, but there was no "me" to realize it. Most people call it the state of "Being", mainly because you don't do anything, but have complete awareness and knowing. The state of the Unmoved Mover.
Unfortunately, the side effects were horrible for me. I was in this experience for over 3 and a half hours, and when I came "back", I thought it had been about 10 or 15 minutes, until I looked at the clock. For weeks, I had an extremely difficult time staying in my body, and was physically ill from nausea from the floating, spinning, and slowly turning summersault sensations. I've heard of people becoming psychotic from the experience, and I can understand why. It still affects me to this day (getting close to 2 years), and I sometimes have crown chakra difficulties.
Fortunately, that experience is what brought me to this forum to try to understand what happened. From the input of others, particularly Spectral Dragon, I've come to understand that at the time, my energy body was not developed enough to withstand such an enormous experience for such a long period of time. With the help of Violetsky, I was able to begin to ground some of that energy and get some control over the side effects. As a side note, some grounding healing she did on me began a powerful Kundalini rising. So, I blame that on her.
The experience has left me with a knowledge and knowing that would have been impossible without it. It began the odyssey that turned my belief system on it's head.
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