Is this for real? My AP journal
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10-26-2006, 11:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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Sola wrote:
I was wondering if this was a so-called dreamscape experience... It was unreal yet I was very conscious and pretty much in charge. Could anyone describe what kind of stuff does dreamscape consist of? First off, your experience sounds a lot like what Monroe experienced in either Far Journeys and/or Ultimate Journey, when he projected to astral areas that were nonhuman or hadn't yet been human, so I wouldn't dismiss it as a dreamscape. As for dreamscape, it consists of anything your subconscious can dream up (pardon the pun). Usually information that is symbolic in nature, that is, a message that your subconscious is presenting to you. For example, the color of the water may have meaning to you, or the globules that paralyzed you with red light may have some sort of significance for you- what I can't imagine. The little people with 'plastic' faces, etc. However, for some reason, I get the impression that you traveled to another 'reality'. Why, I'm not sure.
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