Is this for real? My AP journal
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02-03-2007, 05:24 AM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
Darn it, dem buggers keep helping me take off at the shelter
whether I wish to go or not... So I'll keep posting off and on, hope I didn't offend anyone too much bangin' heads with my bible. Went flying over the moonlit ocean with some company the other night, it was pure joy! Anyone out there happen to fly along? It was with 2 guys and girls
I've had some cool visions lately, I'll borrow this one from my blog:
Back at work that night, I received a special answer regarding "dem buggers" I continually experience at the shelter. I have been puzzled over the whole phenomena that takes place in the back office. The fact that these spirit entities come popping through even when I'm studying bible or in a deep devotion and praise mode, often surprises me and I don't know what to make of it. Even at times of serious face-down, prostrate repenting in the presence of God I hear and sense (kind of see) them present. I've found it very odd that they can "stand" in the presence of Holy Spirit.
That night, after our special gathering, I observed and questioned this very thing again as I had a little time available for R&R in the back office. I did my typical full-body relaxation (which sometimes prompts me to leave my body, as I lose all physical feeling and restraints) but instead of OBE, I brought on a serious petition to find a clear answer to my question.
Immediately, I was moved in the spirit to a very low place, at the feet of someone. The first thing I saw was two bare feet and a bottom of a staff striking the ground. They were strong, continous, rhythmic strikes and I felt a sensation of shaking in the ground. I was very close to it and began to rise in the spirit while observing carefully what I was seeing. The person was wearing a brown (loin cloth?) that reached down to his knees, made of an animal skin. As I continued rising I observed red and black paint on his chest that reminded me of a red flower surrounded by outward black lines and highlights.
By now I was coming face-to-face with this person or a spirit. He was (obviously) an indian, about 30 years old. His cheeks and the ridge of his nose were painted red and black as well. Our eyes met and he stared at me with a very stern look in his eyes for the longest time. Was there animosity in that stare, I'm not sure. I suppose I stared back, as I was carefully observing him. He kept striking the ground with his staff (in a way that could be conceived as either threatening or attention demanding). As I saw the whole picture, I suddenly came out of the vision, jumped to my feet, and excitedly stated "THANK YOU", as I rushed back to the tower to draw a rough sketch of what I had seen. I also told B. about the vision I had and showed her the sketches later during that shift.
The following day, I went on-line to research the area's history. I was aware of the Seminole Indian wars that took place in the 1800's, when "Fort" Pierce was established, named after Gen. Pierce. I knew the indian in my vision could not possibly be a Seminole, whose appearance and dress style is very different from what I saw.
What I found out excited me to the core! In our area there existed an indian tribe called Ai's (pronounced eye-ee-ahs). They were eradicated by the mid 1740's by diseases brought by white men. They had strong mistrust of Europeans, especially the English. Who could blame them for that? Jonathan Dickinson had encountered many indians and stayed with this particular tribe.
He described his contact in a diary of 1696 as follows: "The pole was set up in the earth. Six men painted red and black, with rattles and bows and arrows, danced around it."
Furthermore, I read about the striking staff or spear which was used for fishing. I saw a picture of a pendant (artifact connected to the tribe) which was the same shape as the figure painted(?) on the indian's chest in my vision.
I finally understood! That is why the spirits kept coming, even during devotional times. After all, they worshiped God as well (the Great Spirit) and were either curious or drawn to be present as I drew near to God. No more confusion, thank you Lord! This may be difficult for some to swallow because of the limited knowledge, but it makes perfect sense to me! Considering the way the indian in my vision was striking the earth beneath his feet may indicate that our shelter may be situated directly over Ai's sacred burial site, and that is why they keep re-appearing.
Now they also have a contact with a "sensitive" living person, which in part may draw more activity.
A couple of sensitive kids have seen things and told me and/or other staff. Months ago one young man saw a masked person (perhaps an indian w/painted face) and just the other day a young Haitian boy (who says that "his dad is devil") saw someone quickly running past him. He was all shaken up and came to us, saying: "That ain't right, that ain't right!" He described what he saw and I told him that some call them "shadow people" and I see them as well. Not to worry, they won't harm anyone. I need to pray on behalf of E. and possible family/ancestor voodoo connections.
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