spoke with dead great-grandma
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02-23-2007, 03:35 AM
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Oct 2005
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Does anybody know if the dead lie? Absolutely. You take most of your personality with you into the afterlife. Depending on your evolvement, you can be so stuck with your own karma that you even take it all back with you in the next life. The more evolved, or aware, a person is at physical death, the faster they begin dropping personality traits and reintegrating with the peaceful atmosphere of the higher realms. Someone stuck in their own bad karma is going to continue with the illusion, and continue creating whatever personality faults they had in physical life...i.e. lying, cheating, stealing, etc.
In Monroe's focus levels, this would probably be either Focus 23 - died unaware and trapped in the physical plane as a ghost, or in Focuses 24, 25, or 26 - the Belief System Territories. This is where a person would go who is trapped in their beliefs (religions, philosophies, etc.) and can't move past them. A disincarnate body has the capability of communicating (to some degree or other) with humans from any of the Focuses. Much of it depends on how much they believe they can.
Can somebody get John Edward on the phone on this one? Sorry, can't help you there.
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