Alright, I have tried everything, but I still can't seem to make it out of my body consciously. So I've decided to post exactly what I've been doing so far, and obviously there has to be something I'm doing wrong, so I'll just say what I've been doing so far. I start by getting in a relaxed position (normally I do this on my back). I breathe steadily and deeply with my eyes closed imagining myself going down on an elevator on my exhales. After a while I recognize the feelings of being in a trance-state (eg. heaviness, and feeling my whole body feel a bit numb) and after a while of being in a trance state I start to feel vibrations in my legs and/or in my chest and eventually both. Then I start to feel's weird its like I feel like I am out of my body and in it at the same exact time. Like I can feel the presence of my astral body, but I can still partially feel my physical body. Just a little bit, but my astral body is still in my phsycial body. Then I start to feel like I'm floating upward toward this weird blob thats like a blue light, and so I try to imagine that I'm pulling myself out with the rope, but for some reason I can't feel my visual hands pulling myself up with the rope. Why is this? After my failed attempt I feel like the activities in my body slow down and stop and then I come out of it. This happened to me this morning, and I fell asleep shortly after. I woke up an hour or so later and randomly the vibrations started again, and this time I felt a little bit closer to having a full exit, but then it just stopped again. What's going on? Why can I never seem to make a conscious exit? All of you folks here seem really advanced and stuff, and talk about astral projection as if it's second nature, and I'm sure to most of you it is. So why is it SO hard for me? So in the whole process, is there something that I should be doing differently? I'm all out of ideas. I've even been trying with the binural beats program I downloaded the other day. Any suggestions would be marvelous, and thank you for your time and your help so far