Past OBE Experiences of Aneas
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02-10-2007, 10:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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Past OBE Experiences of Aneas
These are a few of my past experiences given in chronological order. The ages are approximate.
Age 6 shortly after first obe:
I awaken and I am floating above my bed. I am vibrating and I feel very warm and safe. I can actually feel and hear a humming sound. I float over my grandmother sleeping in the bed next to mine and then float feet first out of the window. My memory ends at this point.
Age 8:
I am floating above my bed. I move down into the kitchen and watch my grandparents talking. I follow my grandfather as he walks up the stairs and into the bedroom to wake me. I watch as he bends over to shake my shoulder. I am back in my body and I open my eyes.
Age 11:
I am standing in front of the bathroom mirror looking at a calendar to my left which depicts the "doubting Thomas" scene from the bible. I turn to look in the mirror and I suddenly feel very strange. I am literally rising up and down out of my body as I am looking in the mirror. It looks as though a film reel is skipping. I call out to my grandmother as I fall backward on the tub. I cannot hear the sound of my voice. When I fall I knock a glass which was sitting on the edge of the tub into the tub and it shatters. I do not hear that sound either. My grandmother hears the glass break and comes rushing in. Everything goes back to normal. I never experience anything like that again.
From the ages of 16 to 18 I was able to put myself in a trancelike state before going to bed with the intention of projecting. A few times I would awaken in a state of astral catalepsy and I simply willed the low vibrations to speed up and I moved out easily. Most of the time I never felt the transition. One time I awoke and I was dissappointed that I was still in the body. I went to stand up and my foot passed through the floor. I moved outside and explored. Each time I was able to project I willed my body to speed up. Each time I would be enveloped in bright light and have no conscious memory of what would take place afterwards.
One more significant event:
This only happened to me once but the experience was so incredible that I have never forgotten. I awake floating above my bed. I begin to think about where I want to go when suddenly I hear and feel the most beautiful music I had ever heard. It was the sound of a stringed instrument. I begin to float as if on a wave towards the music. I have no memory of what happened afterward.
I would love to get feedback on anyone with similar experiences.
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