I made a vision screen
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01-18-2007, 09:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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getting sucked in?
When I was young I used to surf (badly) and miss it. Therefore, the feeling of being sucked into a vortex is a pleasant one for me. But then again, I like rollercoasters and fast rides. And I never get seasick.
Well, my experience may have been unique, I have nothing to compare it to until now. But I ended up getting lost. A whole series of portals opened up in front of me and I had no idea which one I belonged in. So, I had multiple screen action going on, and I overstayed. The illness didn't last more than an hour or so. But it sure was memorable. Well, the multiple thing never happened to me (other than good ol'fashioned bilocation, but that's with OBE with a defined exit). A different experience altogether.
What do you think of this bit with my screen vanishing and then coming back with footage? What was that about? Maybe that's the way your brain processes the trip to the akashic records. Some people go to a library, I just read whatever book is in front of me. Sometimes people lecture me (that's the most accessible way for me to get info.) In other words, maybe you're video-visual. (I'm guessing here.)
You were able to talk to the man? Because I found that not everyone could see me. And those that could see me did not consciously know they had seen me. It was like, they would be having a conversation, and while they were still talking, part of their soul would turn around and look at me, possibly say something, and turn back around in their body, all while they had maintained totally focused on their conversation, blissfully unaware any of this had taken place on the astral. Sometimes this is the experience I have. I will have conscious contact with one person, while everyone else either doesn't see me, or doesn't think I'm worth bothering interacting with. Sometimes just observer, like I'm watching tv, but from the inside. Like a hologram. This time I was talking to the man (I was 'fully sucked into the experience' at this time) and I perceived myself to be a big black man talking to the other one about musical (New-Orleans type jazz) things. Very different than my waking life, let me tell you. It was short but interesting.
I'm having a hard time describing it, but do you know what I mean? Only in the sense that I've also had things that are hard to convey.
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