What are your achievements and discoveries?
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01-04-2007, 04:18 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Reprinted with Andrew's permission:
1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?
a: Maybe. When I was young I was 'helped' in my travels. The 'guides' had knowledge of what I was doing, I knew nothing.
1.1 - If so, describe the place
: At home in the RTZ, to help me go somewhere else.
what were they like
:'Glowing female entities'.
what have you learned from them
: I learned how to go to another realm, when I found certain points in space. Once I found them, I had to fly in at a certain angle, and I would end up somewhere else. If I just flew through, I just kept going to the 'regular' other side. It wasn't easy and it took a bit of practice to get it.
2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?
a: Nothing. I have gone to realms that were 'alienish' but I don't think they were 'other planets', properly speaking. I have gone to outer space, but when I picked a place to fly to, I ended up in earthlike areas.
3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?
a: It wasn't a conversation at all. I was taught how to feel shapes with waves. It was a sublime experience.
4 - Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:
Well, there were the flying squids, in outer space. (No, really.) That's it. Just one. But there was fire coming out of his butt. I have it in my journal, if you want to check.
5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?
a: I was given 3 names to remember: Hyparion, Gilmarion, and Polymarchon. They're probably made up, but I'm reading Hyperion just in case. It's close enough.
5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?
a: Well, the previous one just about covers it.
6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?
a: For a while I was dreaming about the uses for Astral sight. In my dreams, I was supposed to get to the 'seeing through eyelids' trance, and then I could do pk and levitate. Of course I was dreaming, so that's kind of silly. But it seemed that I dreamed a lot of doing psi tricks with the astral sight.
7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?
a:Yes. Years ago, I worked in electronics. If there was something seemingly unfixable, I'd go home, ask for a solution, and get a dream that usually fixed it. It worked about 90% of the time.
8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:
I didn't 'see' it- I felt colors and shapes. It was amazing.
9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:
I've only done one thing that was amazing to me, and it was leave earth's orbit. It doesn't seem that amazing in retrospect, though.
10 - Describe your most amazing validation
: My husband (newly married then) went to work, and I was home sick from work. So I'm laying there taking a nap, when I fly to where he worked (I had never been there before). I saw what he was doing with these little metal balls, and he had tweezers and he was messing with them. I flew back, found that to be very weird, so I called him. He told me that his dad used to be a locksmith, so he was changing the locks for his boss' office. He was selecting these little metal pins to go on the cylinders. It wasn't his job, and I didn't know about his dad's former career or his tools. It was such a specific thing that I knew then it was no dream.
11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?
a: No.
13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:
-It was" Pop critters"
"Cleaning giant"
and then a bit later,
"Super Jiff". (Maybe I watch too much TV)
14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral
: I want to have a meaningful conversation with someone and remember it completely. I'd like to meet my higher self. I'd like to speak to an angel and know it's an angel, no doubt about it.
12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?
a: Nothing really.
15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?
a: I had a vision of talking to God and it wasn't how I would have expected.
16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?
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