Does the 3rd eye feel like an eye?
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10-18-2006, 06:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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Does the 3rd eye feel like an eye?
I've been doing NEW for a short while and have progressed fairly quickly I believe. I've spent most of the time removing blockages, and have been able to raise energy fairly easily, though the area around an old vertebrae fracture still needs some work. Anyway, today I decided I was ready to try stimulating the Chakras using Robert's method of raising energy to them and tearing them open, one by one.
After going through the process once, I didn't notice much, but after going through it again I've developed the distinct feeling of a moving eyeball in the middle of my forehead, just above my brow. I have not experienced any new form of "sight" and the feeling has faded some, but strengthens again with further stimulation.
The eye seems to follow the movement of my physical eyes, but I can move it independantly with a little concentration. I was even able to move it 360 deg. which felt very strange and even a little disorienting.
Anybody ever experience anything like this?
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