Aura sight - seeing like a cat
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12-14-2006, 04:42 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Gah! Spirit-Kitty scared me last night.
I have to shut her out of my bedroom @ night, because she is quite the little huntress, and will surprise me with a freshly caught mouse in the middle of the night.
So I was asleep, and she was probably upset that she couldn't get in the bed with me, so my clever Josephene solved this little problem by projecting herself right next to my pillow.
I freaked, because I wasn't sure who it was for a second. At the same time this happened, I could hear her "burble-purr" in the other room. So I knew it was her. Also, because the projection was cream colored and cat shaped.
For a minute, I thought maybe she WAS in the room with me. But when I came to my waking senses I remembered I had closed the door.
Don't let anyone tell you animals don't have souls.
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