Help with two very very important things
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12-11-2006, 05:06 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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Imho ,
The temple is in Shamballah . You can return to it in mystic projection by ;
opening in protection ,
sit in throne pose palms up limbs uncrossed in an armchair arms supported
deep cleanse breathe
power up
light trance
close eyes
visualise the core image of this temple as described on the hill
and ask to be taken to Orijah aloud
slip out of the crown in a mental body
and see the temple
walk into the temple and find Orijah
he's wearing very little clothing and is bowing to me with his palms together but i'm not bowing to him.The next thing i remember is that i'm outside the temple Imho ,
the temple is his ashram and you can return there and beg his lessons from him .
This bow is 'namaste' and it is meant to be returned in respect . Since it was not returned in respect then you were no longer in the temple .Your briefing was concluded before it began . The ego wants to hear that he bowed to you because you are special . He bows to all but he is the one who is special . It is by service ,that we gain power . It is by our love that we are measured . "No man is so great as when he bows to God ". The ego is the hardest part of personal transformation and spiritual journey .
Go back when you are ready to hear his wisdom . Do not wait to hear his lesson from others .He is not well known in this world . God to spirit and see him instead .Nod your head in a bow when you see him.When he acknowledges you, bow this time ,first, in namaste to him . When he bows in return ,smile ,and ask this good teacher for his lesson.
with a large lion Aslan archtypical image of the Lion king , a totem of leadership and strength . The Lion is the totem of Orijah who walks alone with the lion only at his side and the sun only on his shoulder .
If you follow him you will have him , the sun and the lion as your guides while you do .
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