OBE while still physically awake?!
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12-07-2006, 08:45 AM
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Oct 2005
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heart charkla - that's what i'm struggling with... i've just been trying to project for an hour or so and noticed something after myself:
I find it quite easy to relax fully, somehow i can completely lose the kinesthetic sensation(feel) of my hand after about 15 minutes, and can achieve a state of deep trance after about 40 minute(it used to take me an hour a week ago). Once i reach it, i notice that i feel very light, i start seeing things and everything around me seems to be slowly changing. That's when my heart starts pounding. Not because i'm scared, i'm actually not, it just does(no need to explain the reason as it has already been explained) Then i try to breath deeply but slowly. My stomach and chest become stiff and i find it hard to breath, i try to stay as i am, but after about a minute my heart beat slows down and i kinda lose concentration. I've noticed that once i've passed through the increased heart rate stage(which is the climax in my opinion) and have failed to project, it is impossible to carry on. So far i'm stuck on it... i can't go beyond it. I've been looking for it on the net and scrolled through some books, but no one really describes how to handle this heart charkla... it doesn't seem to be a common problem.
I thought of creating a new topic for the discussion of this problem, but since we've been talking about the heart charkla here, i thought it would be an appropriate place for this post.
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