I don't know if this happens to everyone and therefore just "normal" stuff. Please let me know your experience with either. About 12 times or so in my adult life, I have heard someone call me name. The last time it happened, I was home alone and I heard my name being called as I almost reached the 1st floor from the basement. It was VERY loud and it sounded like someone said it in my left ear. I was so startled that I actually looked behind me. The other thing that has happened more frequently, is when I am doing something and I hear many voices (all intelligible) talking very fast and confusedly. It is not a good feeling. I have to mentally shake myself to get rid of it. Sometimes I feel like I am having a little tunnel vision with it. And sometimes it is a result of concentrating or something like that. It happened many times when I was a teenager and it always seemed to happen in the same area of the house. I have told my brother and sister this and they get the same/similar thing. Several years ago, someone actually said it may be a symptom of schizoprenia. : ( Thanks, I am really trying to explore some areas of my life and would appreciate some feedback.