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Old 09-22-2006, 07:29 PM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Hello All, I think I have had 6 OBE's sofar over the past year. The first one was after listening to Robert Bruce on the Art Bell show last year. I had attempted OBE's before this years earlier but to no avail. I always have some sort of buzzing experience before projecting, either from a dream, or from a brief blackout experience. I have some questions concerning my experiences /travels. They are all rather brief, only 30 seconds to about 2 minutes MAX. This is discouraging in itself, for the experience is one of trying to run down the street or staring at a tree for a while. I don't really think it's a dream because of the buzzing, and because I am fully aware that I am "out" if that makes any sense. But it's always my block, the surrounding houses, and I crawl off my bed and crawl right out my window most of the time. I have seen my dogs out on the front lawn, other than that never bumped into any entities, or people. Everything is either very grey and dark, or hard to see. I ask to have my sight improved, and it actually does. But most recently I snapped my head around to look at something and realized I instantly killed my OBE. I thought it rather funny that if I looked or moved my sight quickly that I would be hurtled back to my body. My question is this, how can I last longer out there? Is it my general health that is preventing me from having a longer experience? And what are some things I can do to prevent getting sucked back so quickly?
Hi, Dave. A few things can cause short RTZ OBEs, one being lack of energy or understimulated chakras (which may very well be the same thing.). As Pilar said, energy raising exercises, such as NEW, can help. Your description sounds like an RTZ OBE, and another thing that can also help is to get away from your body ASAP, because the closer you are the more feedback you get and any attention to your body can cause you to snap back or fall in. Is it possible that you're being awakened by something in your room that brings your consciousness back? Like the reason that you turned your head caused your physical body to jerk and brought you back? That's just one thought.
Keep it up- 6 OBEs in a year are not bad, even if short.
nerohedfrs is offline


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