The best hour to induce an OBE
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09-23-2006, 04:31 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Have any of you ever tried the SunEye method? It was the first method that actually got me to have my first OBE. What you do is go to sleep for six hours, wake up, wash your face or whatever and do somthing for an hour; then go back to sleep. Now, while I was doing this I had been desiring deeply to have an OBE for about a month when i first read about them. So be sure to have a strong
desire to OBE. It worked great and I was out for about an hour the first projection, then I came back to my body, but the vibrations were still there so I could leave again!! I was out for another half hour or so! IT WAS GREAT! Try it and see if it works for you, it got me out my first time.
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