Global consciosness, Quantum Physics
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09-15-2006, 09:19 PM
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Nov 2005
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Christine. During the 1600's if you were dunked in a bucket of water for 3 minutes and you lived you were a witch - then you were burned. If you died you were innocent. Good eh. All that happened over a period of 300 years. There was no hysteria. Reminds me of what the Indo-Iranians used to do. If a person was suspected of breaking the word of Mitra he was dunked into a bowl of water, another man fired an arrow and if he could run to the arrow, pick it up and get back before the man died then the man was innocent. There are countless other examples in early cultures that would shock you to the bone. It was going on for thousands of years (all in the name of religion/myth). Thankfully, the enlightenment came when it did or else we might possibly still be witnessing such acts of barbarism. When you have children and close loved-ones it's a relief to know that we have at least some form of justice based on factual evidence. I know it isn't perfect.
When Aztec men left their wives for a week or so to go hunting, if they were unsucessful then that was a sign that their wives had been unfaithful to them while they were absent. The men were permitted, in this instance, to return home and torture or murder their wives.
Regards UFOs. Here's an interesting topic: When Kenneth Arnold spotted those ufos in the 40's he reported them to the press as "balls of moving light." I've seen them myself - light balls, fireballs, etc. And you're right, they are unidentified. But - this is the catch - when Arnold described how these balls of light moved across the sky he said "similar to a saucer skimming on water." Suddenly the press picked up on this "saucer" thing and claimed that Arnold had seen "flying saucers." Which, you can see, isn't really the case (in reality...when the facts are rooted out). Suddenly, miraculously, hundreds of sightings of 'flying saucers' were reported. Overnight! How? Arnold hadn't seen falying saucers, he'd seen fireballs. But still, thanks to the media...the meme stuck, the west were enthralled and....flying saucers became a reality to them.
Interesting - determining what is real and what isn't.
For example: let's turn the tables here and let's say that the government are telling the truth and the authors of these ufo conspiracies are lying to you, exploiting your deep-seated need to believe in it - and making a financial killing out of you. They've studied the average pyschological make-up of their potential market, they've found out what most people want to hear, and they've given it to them and got rich. Remember - these ufo society meetings and confrences are run by those people who are selling you the conspiracy idea. They want you to believe because it pays their phone bill and feeds their kids.
OK - so how do you find the reality in this situation? Cut away at the layers of fantasy and get to the bare bones? Who is telling the truth and who is lying? You decide! But - are you right?
Sash - I know what you mean about quantum mechanics but I think entanglement and decoherence is the current favourite in the field. It makes sense because we simply don't live our lives at the quantum level. We experience solid matter and the moment the only plausible explantion we do have to explain what we get when we have masses of patricles working together - is entanglement and decoherence.
When you exclaim that this world is a "lower vibration" I simply don't understand what you mean. What vibration?
You're right - the individual is suppressed to great ends. If we live in a society dominated by elite capitalists then we're conditioned to become materialists and consumerists. We are conditioned to live by capitalist ideology. many people have argued over the centuries that religion was only embraced by the elite because it was a sure-fire way of taming the masses - the meek afterall would never think of revolting against the rulers...they are too busy loving thy neighbours and working hard. That left the elite to continue their agenda of persecution and barbarism (in the name of god). I mean - these people had their own family members executed.
So there we go. Where do we start when we wanna know some truth? Like you said Christine, there are many things - too many to list - but it's very important not to make your mind up based entirely on what you would like (in your ideal world) to believe.
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