Why does this happen?
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09-09-2006, 03:12 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
If they're slight (like from energy work) I just take it as a good sign. If they're slight and I'm in trance, I know exit is imminent and I try rope. Sometimes, though, I get vibes when I'm back, so it's hard to say. If you're losing time, chances are that you've come back, and are not remembering the actual 'trip'. I'm not sure why this would be, but in that case I recommend affirmation: "I am aware and remember my projection"- in the present tense, assuming you are going to project.
If your vibes are very slight then do very slow breathing and Robert's energy raising exercise- that is very effective for me. Most of my conscious projections (if not all) are precluded by this discipline.
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