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Old 07-02-2006, 07:16 AM   #1

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Default Locations of the Akashic Records?
Does this sound like an accurate rundown of the different levels to you guys?
The Earth Records:

This question comes from an entity that is residing on Earth presently, so we will start with that location. There is a place very near this planet that holds the individual experiences of the souls that reside there, along with the creative experiences of all the forces that ever came to that planet and worked on its experimentation whether that meant great strides of advancement for the species, or whether it meant casting a net of control and domination upon the species.

Those two areas of records hold all the emotions that were used in the gathering of experience there, and the individual records are contained within the subtle body of the soul force which is very near to the physical form. The creative experiences for the sum total of experience for planet Earth outside of personal experience, resides in a band which surrounds that planet.

The Records for Earth’s Solar System

The other set of records that we described for this planet are held in an energy band that circles around the planet. From this energy band there are what would appear to be strings and those strings connect to the other records that are held within that solar system and beyond.

The first set of strings reach out to a deposit of planetary experience which you would consider the solar system. In this band of cosmic records that contain only the planetary records for that system, there are no records for the individual souls that have inhabited those planets in the past or in the time line that you experience as the present.

There is no emotion recorded in these records, though there is the intent of the creators that established the experiences that were recorded in that deposit. There is no recording of what would be considered success or failure, just intent.

The Records for our Galaxy

There is a band of records in your galaxy and those records would record not only the intent of the creators, but along with that intent, the results of that intent as it relates to experiments. You might consider this a recording of what you would think of as either a success or a failure. It is these records that are contained in this band of magnetic energy that those who wish to create in the denser fabric of gases and solids would have the ability to review and study so that they could possibly refrain from what might be considered a mistake. There are some experiments that have failed. Having that knowledge would help other creators not to take the same course of actions as they could see the results of intent, desire and result, upon the denser molecules of solids and gases.

The Records for this Galactic Command

The next step of records would be records of the Galactic Command. These records record the interaction among all the different cultures so to speak, and inhabitants of all the planets in this galaxy. This is a very busy place as what is recorded here are the results of every emotion that connects to the force of love and its results, and the forces of control and domination, what one might consider the dark forces. So all the results of these interchanges between the two forces have been recorded, along with the movement of all the planets in this galaxy. Each galaxy has a set of records that would reflect these activities of which we speak.

Records of all the Galactic Commands

There is another set of records and those records you might consider a result of all the reports that all the commanders of all the galaxies have deposited as they have ruled over the operations of galactic control. These commanders have changed over the eons of creation, though their records have remained, even as they have been promoted or demoted as the case might be. Yes, there is a surging forth and a retreat depending on intent and in this case, results. For the most part souls are judged upon their intent and not the results, as they cannot be evaluated on how other souls might interact with them and frustrate their missions.

On this level of importance, intent matters, and along with intent what else matters is the results of their governance.

Universal Records

Then there is the final deposit which we call the universal records. Others perhaps have used different terms to describe these records. These records have a very grave significance as this recording is the sum total of all creation in every phase of in-breath and out-breath of the Source’s desires, plans, goals, and being.

This deposit is guarded by a very special band of what you would call angels, though we do not see them as angels as such, but rather a level of Source that is the first band of Source that interacts with experience. This level is a blend of the God Force and the experimental force of God.

It is a blend of questioning and the study of what has been, and what can be, by the way of opportunity and possibility. These records besides containing all of the records of each and every soul that has ever been created, holds every possibility and probability and the results of those lines of endeavor with the interaction of soul activity.

You could say that this is a record of cause, effect, and possibility, and the interaction of the sum total of that force that we call Source. It is the gravest of responsibilities to keep these records pure, intact and uncontaminated.

As information has been assigned to this band of energy, it has not only been filtered and examined as to the deposit itself, but also to all the bands of possibility that cling to them. We could consider this as a cord to all possibility. This must be of the most pure source of intent and result, as it cannot be changed in any way once it is registered. This is a permanent record.

You might wonder what we mean by a pure source of intent and result as they pertain to these records. The other bands of records can be viewed and altered in a sense as there are new records, or experiences, that might be recorded that would change the perception of the decisions made on the lower rungs of existence. No record is ever wrong, but new information in experimentation could shed a different viewpoint on a record. You might say that a new opportunity might have expressed itself, or appear as a pause in the creative thrust, and then later, continued, so that there might be results produced that were not considered before.

So while the record would not be changed, the interpretation might be shaded in a slightly different light as new experiences are placed upon the first layer. You might consider this as a layer upon layer of experiences building, until a final result is finally reached. If one reads these lower records, there could be different assessments made as the information is being gathered which seems as one round placed upon another round.

The universal records are final in the sense that every possible round of experience has been played out so that the recording angel who places the final record in the books of experiences understands all the possibilities and the lines of evolution that has produced this final result.

The recording angel that places the information in this record is not the Source that interacts with these records, but rather a band twice removed from Source. What we are calling the recording angel is not Source itself, but closely related to Source.

You are reading from this final and Universal Record. There is no more experimentation that is necessary that would change any reflection of these truths, as they have been examined by every level of authority that exists in all of the creative rounds of souls and their experimentation, which they took on at the command of these Creative Forces.
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