Awareness, lucidity and memory
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06-06-2006, 06:13 AM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
Thanks for the links, Aunt Clair...I'll be sure to check them out.
Funnily enough, the entoptics that I drew in white ink onto black cards and keep at my bedside table have summoned the undivided attention of my daughter who insists that, everynight, we sit on the bed for half an hour, I hold up a card in turn and she copy-draws it into her little scribble book. I'm hoping and preying that it will have beneficial effects for her, putting aside the obvious that she is developing her drawing skills
Since using this memory, visualisation technique with entopics, I've found my hypnogogics becoming more vivid and purposeful, and dreams are more linear than average. My daily well-being is increasing and I feel asif I've
after two years of severe dark night commenced a spiritual journey.
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