Unsure of this one..
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06-14-2006, 11:57 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Unsure of this one..
hey all!
i been trying AP for about 2 weeks now, and last night (tuesday 13th) i decided to try whilst lay in bed. i lay there for a little while relaxing with the breath awareness technique.
after approx. 10-15 mins (don't know for sure) my eyes were close and could feel myself drifting asleep.
the next thing i knew it felt like i was 'trying to' sit up in my bed. there was a loud roaring noise (which i have experienced twice before, both before attempting AP) and it hurt like hell! eventually i managed to...stand? and felt like i was awake but very VERY tired with heavy eyes.
it felt asif my eyes were closed, although i could see. i started moving towards my bedroom door, but it was very slow and i had to concentrate extremely hard to do so.
i felt i was to the side of my bed whilst moving and decided to check my hand...which turned out not to be there
i coulnt bring myself to see if i was lay in my bed.
it is a blank after moving away from my bed.
the next thing i remember is being in some strange place being chased by a very wide and muscular man and thinking "wait! i'm dreaming!" the 'dream' continued quite boringly with nothing of interest happening.
a while later the dream repeated itself and i was in teh same position as the start - being chased by the man. however i knew that i was dreaming, and tried to stop him..which failed and i got shoved 'through' a shed that was behind the 'repeat' ended...i woke up.
can anyone shed some light on what this was? i have never projected before so am unsure if it was one. sorry if its hard to make sense of what i've wrote.
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