Trouble seeing colors
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04-15-2006, 01:13 AM
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Nov 2005
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Hey Chris,
I can tell you one big difference for me....I never saw anything like this until about two years ago. I've been a "starer" all my life. I stare at something without thinking about it, kind of blanking out. I always have people ask me, "What are you thinking about?" It startles me, as I don't realize I'm staring. So, with that much staring, you would think that I would have seen colors before, if your theory held true for me. Hey Patty,
You hit the nail on the head above. General staring is pretty unfocused and, is more alike to ‘blanking out’. In such circumstances you might see some very faint retinal fatigue, this might manifest itself as the visual field becoming slightly lighter and perhaps a bit of ‘sparkle’. But due to the blanking out (not really noticing) it could easily be missed if not intentionally looked for.
Seeing retinal fatigue is more like meditation, you have an object you focus on, and if your focus moves away or becomes more general, you bring it back. If you focus with awareness on an object, rather than looking unfocused in a general scene, you will notice these ‘aura’s start to form. It’s just because you are looking more intently at a single object than at a scene in a general sense. You can test this right now, and I’ll guarantee you’ll start seeing auras or colours
So, if that's not enough for you, the first time I saw an aura was at a spiritual workshop given by James Van Praagh. I had heard of auras, but never read up on the subject and never even knew anyone who had this ability. I saw a huge pink and yellow aura around James Van Praagh. He had a question and answer period. A man stood up about 2 minutes after I started seeing the aura, and said, "James, you have the most beautiful pink and yellow aura around you.". Ok, I almost fell out of my chair!!
So, I started reading up on auras, and the way I was seeing them behaved exactly as the books were saying. I can sit and stare at something all day, and it doesn't produce an aura. If I put my focus and intent on seeing one, it always pops up. I practice it so much now, that I can see an aura within a couple of seconds. Hardly eye strain.
I've also taught quite a few people how to do it, and everyone reports the same colors. Most people I've taught are seeing them within 5 minutes of me telling them how to do it. Now, if those same people had seen something similar at any time in their life, don't you think they would have said something like, "Oh, yeh, I see that every time I get tired and stare for awhile"? For me, it's a little too coincidental that they see them for the first time in their lives when I teach them how to do it. This sort of relates to the above. Being taught how to look at an object/person (etc) in a specific way to trigger retinal fatigue in a noticeable way would be exactly the same as a person being taught to see an aura in a spiritual way. And from all the books I have read, and all the techniques I have read upon, the results are exactly the same as those produced by retinal fatigue. So I guess the question is, if auras can really be seen in an object sense, and there are normal mechanisms in the brain and eye which produce such results in a natural way – how can you see which is being seen?
Most people might not notice this for the same reason you didn’t, there’s a difference between staring intently at an object than there is staring at it in a general way. Blinking too much seems to move the eye enough to reduce the increasing retinal fatigue. Just staring at an object and trying not to blink much will produce auras almost instantly.
There is actually more interesting things than this, I can teach people to see more than auras very quickly. An example being seeing ‘trails’ from objects, or seeing ‘static’ in the air (which if I was more of a believer in certain occult philosophies I would perhaps interpret as energy being seen directly). But the mechanics of these phenomena is purely brain based.
One strange thing I've noticed...I see them the strongest (largest, brightest, clearest colors) when looking at a speaker. Someone told me that this is because they are emoting and pumped up. Makes sense to me. Also, very emotional people have larger and easier to see auras. If this was eye strain, why would there be a correlation between emoting and size and brightness? Now, I've never read about this correlation in any book, but it is very consistent with me. This is interesting. I think a problem with this whole area is that the mind can exaggerate desirable traits, so while retinal fatigue can produce auras, with the correct desire and suggestion behind it, those auras can be made to develop in intensity and depth over time.
Ps I am not saying all auras are produced this way, I’m just curious that if something natural exists which produces the exact same auras that people with certain spiritual persuasions would class as energy – what is the difference between them?
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