Trouble seeing colors
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04-22-2006, 08:01 PM
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Oct 2005
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Are you saying that the palm of the hand will be a different color than the outside aura?
Yes the aura is ovoid shaped nested layers of energy which can be seen clairvoyantly . The many subtle body layers build up the light quotient of the energy body aura as they become imbibed with light through spiritual development . The hermetic colouring of the body is not the aura colours . The hermetic colouring can be seen on any part of the physical body through the clothing . The chakras and tan tiens can be viewed or the sight can pull back and observe the outer layering on the "skin " or the outer layer of the energy body . The left palm and the heart are the easiest places to see hermetic energy colouring . The forehead and the right palm are the next easiest . The most difficult to view are the unawares below the indigo vibration , those in ebony works , those that are ill , and upopened centres or cores . Not surprisingly the adept , those above the violet vibration , those with fresh energy drawn up , those that are healthy and those who have well developed Wheels of Life will be the easiest to see .
I noticed in your tutorials on opening up psychic ability that you talk a lot about closing your eyes to get impressions. Do you do that to see a person's outer aura, or do you see them with open eyes? And, if so, how does it appear different from open eyes? Closed physical eyes are preferable . Clairvoyant viewing of auras works best in dim light with the person in front of a dark background which will allow the energy colours to be seen more easily . The use of a white background is good for retinal staining and this is a grood practice to get the eyes trained to seeing energy . It is similar in effect but not the same . Open physical eyes do allow a view of the aura but often it is is barely perceptible as a thick bluey white outline of energy which will flare to a metre or more in heighth when you send energy to them on the heart link . But the colours still do not come out well with the eyes open . The theory is that the sunlight and bright light hinders the pineal gland .
Edgar Cayce said that pink is not a good color, but I've always heard it represents love. The few times I've seen pink, it was always around someone very spiritual and loving. What does pink represent to you? I was born in Virginia and had the pleasure of studying at the Edgar Cayce centre at Virginia Beach from the time I was 14 years old. My father bought me Edgar Cayce's Aura book because I saw auras around some people with open eyes too . It is a great little book . I saw the spirit of Edgar Cayce in the reading room there . And saw him there each time I went again . I live in Australia now but he still comes to visit infrequently to my circle .
I feel he made outstanding contributions to Occult Wisdom but I agree with you that Pink is not a bad sign at all . When a person has pink orange around their belly this is the 10th chakra opening up the second layer of the spinal chakra so ennumerated as 8 to 15 . The pink orange is the colour of harmony and universal tolerance . It indicates that the person has balanced their yin and yang and has put aside emotional issues regarding the opposite gender to live more in peace . Pink in the heart chakra is a good sign too as noted by the medium Jon Edwards who says he has seen pink flecks there . I feel pink means a loving , peaceful nature too . ... msetc.msnw
Pink means Divine Compassion, Univeral Tolerance and Mercy . On the energy body it appears on the index finger on the divine left glove and on the first snake heads at the crown . It is called the Sacre Coeur which is the Sacred Heart and The Blood of Christ . Hermetically pink is male electric and Earth . In Alchemy pink is the colour of the armour of the older retired warrior who is the merciful king .In Kundalini , pink is the 3rd flame of the son the male avatar, the Christ and Buddha connection . In the Tree of Life Rose is the colour of Daath the 11th Hidden Sepiroth . Pink is also the colour of the new 8th chakra and the genitalia tan tien and it is Earth Rose Pink in the elemental set of Aqua , Rose , Violet and Amber . So yes it is a great colour in an aura with all due respect to Cayce .
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