Does anyone get mysterious "Clicking" While medita
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05-03-2006, 06:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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I posted a picture of my drawing to another website, and someone else recognized it, and drew his own pictures of what I've been seeing. ... cev2dc.jpg
This is very close to what I see, but I don't see it in color at all and not so detailed Its very pixelated.
I showed this to my fiance and she said she sees that picture all the time at night. In fact the one time we tried salvia divinorum she said she saw EXACTLY that picture.
I found a possible explanation for it. Entoptic images. A good explanation of it is found here. ... toptic.htm
I do remember the times I've been able to see this were after surgery, and also a few times I was in an ultra relaxed state. It was also w hen I came close to my first OBE.
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