Does anyone get mysterious "Clicking" While medita
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05-06-2006, 12:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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LoneCrow, consider this, perhaps the projecting difficulties you are experiencing are for your own good and protection.
I have considered this, and even the answers I get when I meditate are similar, like "you are not ready".
When I get into meditation, and I'm deep in thought, I think to myself. What are my intentions? Why do I want to continue. The only real reason I can come up with is "exploration" and to have fun etc. To experience something beyond our sense of reality.
It is more or less ... "I need to know" if all of this is truly real, and the only way is to experience it myself.
But I have thought to myself or "heard" that exact thought many times in the last year. Like the fact that it would probably be better if I didn't.
But what confuses me is that in my dreams I can remember them most of the time. I do things in my dreams I probably wouldn't do in real life. If I were conscious fully in the dream world I would act more humane and or logically.
My intentions are always pure. I want peaceful exploration, and to get "closer" to God however I can. I seek knowledge and truth. So what if there are some negative forces out there. I am the type of guy that wouldn't take crap from any spirits. I know that part of my nature, the self defense mechanism is not right. You can only overcome hostility and fear with love.
Its a big lesson to learn self control like that.
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