Does sitting really work?
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05-03-2006, 03:19 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sitting can work well and so can a slightly reclined position. I would suggest working with these two positions every once in a while even if lying down is easiest for you. I know I hated sitting when I first started. Now I find it to be as effective as lying down.
As for OBEs that resemble reality..... My experience points to "reality" as being at one end of a continuum. Physical reality is separated by a thin curtain from all the astral layers. Those astral layers that are closest to the curtain resemble physical reality the most. I believe real-time OBEs occur in a close astral "shadow" of physical reality just beyond the curtain and that it is easy to drift further into the astral where things resemble the "real world" much less.
Think of it another way: the world around you is not "real." It is a construct of your mind as it interprets what your senses tell it. In a sense, it is as if there is a little projector in your mind that displays "reality" and it is very easy for us to assume that the projection is "reality" instead of just a representation. I believe the Real-Time Zone is the same thing. It is a projection of "reality" onto the astral. The universe after all is a giant mind (the theory of microcosm=macrocosm). As such the RTZ is a projection of reality into the Mind of God.
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