There a Relationship to Frequency of Sex and Successful OBE
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04-17-2006, 08:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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There is a definite relation between sexual activity and dreaming. *Edited for vulgar sexual references. *You would see that REM usually comes with an erection.
Bot sexual and dreaming activity seem to depend on and deplete the brainstem's acetylcholine system. I think the acetylcholine system partly projects into the holographic body as the lower dantien, hara.
Usually, when attempting an OBE I start with charging up my hara. This would make me experience more hypnagogics and shorter transition times. Entering into sleep paralysis at will also becomes less difficult.
I've found that keeping a soft focus on the hara directly promotes sleep paralysis. Focusing on the middle of chest and head spaces works, too, because these three points are connected. (They are members of the same system which I call in-the body or autopoetic triad.)
So my final conclusion is that stimulating the hara increases "REM-pressure" probably by stimulating acetylcholine synthesis in the brainstem. You can deplete dreaming power by having orgasms alone. *Edited for the same*
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