Project awareness not conciousness
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04-12-2006, 09:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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This term is associated with the works of the late Robert Monroe who
attributed a higher vibrational level to the access of higher realms . These have been called focus levels . Here is a partial continuum ;
12Universal Mind
Focus 34-35
locale having group consciousness
---Devic Chambers
---Human made spirit homes
Focus 27
: Afterlife free will plane
---Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory Ursa Major
11Window on Edge of Universe
---Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
----Plane of Heavens
Focus 24 -26:
Belief Territories of Afterlifers
---Human and Spirit cooperative Manifestations of Metaphysical Colleges
---Temples of Wisdom
---Gates of Death
Focus 23
: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts
10 Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex , Elohim Council
---Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
---Called the Pleaides lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
---Called Sirius trajectory off star
Focus 21
:edge of time/space -
9 Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius
8 Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
--Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock
Focus 15:
State of no time
7 Logoic -Shamballah --Temples of Light
---Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid
6 Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
5 Monadic- work with guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
-- Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King’s Chamber over Luxor
Focus 12:
A state of expanded awareness
4 Astral Lower
Focus 10:
Mind Awake/Body Asleep
3 Physical
Focus 3:
increased mental coherency and balance
2 Totem Earth Wisdom
1 Lower Plane of Chaos and “Hell on Earth â€
More here; ... 70.20.html
2.Basic Projections
The two primary ways to project are
which is the projection of the mental body or a projection of consciousness which typically exudes from the crown or female tan tien , and
which is the Astral Projection of an etheric double and typically vibes out from the lower male tan tien . The MP from the crown appears uv to chartreuse green irregardless of gender in projection clairvoyantly . The etheric AP male is indigo to cobalt blue becoming more radiant in progression . The etheric AP of the female is pale pink , rose or uv rose , also becoming brighter in progression .
3.Advanced Projection Techniques;
Rarely a live person will project with skin colours clairvoyantly visible to the RTZ . Spirits do project in full skin colour as do higher selves but etheric projections are typically a monochromatic silhouette of pink or blue .In Astral Planes , the full colour spectrum is typically viewed .
The Higher Self is more difficult to project and will emerge into and out of the vortex of spheres manifested by a magician or will spin out of the heart of a greater magician appearing as a uv yellow angelic self . A spontaneous projection of Higher Self viewed in a clairvoyant reading will often take on skin colours and appear like a prime state of health being fit original hair colour and 28 to 38 years of age . In the newly published Gospel of Judas , ... fJudas.pdf
I believe this is what Christ expects his apostles to do to project their higher self and follow him to the realm Judas called Barbelo . Christ demonstrates by projecting his higher self and 4 elemental splits . This is an advanced Gnostic 5th aeon projection .
Barbelo calls on the invisible Spirit (a typical anthropomorphism, confusing the Divine with the human; a Divine emanation does not have to request or pray to the higher Godhead in order to attain something) to actualise four of her attributes as separate hypostases: Foreknowledge, Indestructability, Eternal Life, and Truth. Each of these came forth in turn. But still they are not some-thing separate from her, but rather part of a single whole, the "five-aeon", of which she is the core. ... ation.html
The Lower Self must constantly be loved transmuted and raised in vibration . It does not become an equal with one Alchemical Work . It can be projected from the rear orange tan tien to be evaluated . It will appear in a variety of manners ie an inner child which climbs to the left shoulder or walks to the front and is rose or blue according to gender . If this Lower Self projects as an adult in equal size to the Higher Self this is a temporary state . It is desirable but elusive and continued work on Lower Self must be done . The LS may also project as an orange monkey which climbs the back and hangs onto the neck ,a orange lizard a guardian demon which is bat winged and tempts and attaches the self . This type may be impossible to exorcise as it is the magician who has gone awry and not taken consideration to balance . I believe this form must be transmuted or it controls the magician and leads to their doom.I feel this is what happened to Crowley and others who start out promising with marvellous breakthroughs but descend quickly on a downward spiralling self destructive path . Crowley was a prolific author and talented magician who became a hedonistic heroin user . Dark Tantra was one of his practices as well as blood magick .
There are are numerous ways to project from the body when it is not AP or MP then it is loosely called OBE or out of body experience . The AP is limited to RTZ which is real time zone , physical plane and the Astral Plane . The higher realms are reached in a variety of other methods and cannot be accessed in AP . Each tan tien provides a different experience or quality ; ... highlight=
Silver;Moon.project down inside spinal pillar -Middle Pillar Path MP
Lavender; Water.cosmic self .up above crown -Cosmic Self MP
Violet;Water.mage self . rear brow centre ;assists to Manifest & Morph MP
Indigo;Water.Water self. slide out left side -split elemental self . EP
Blue ;Water. male etherical self. -vibe out front of body peeling off AP
Aqua ; Air .vocal self . falls out and down like waterfall . influence VP
Green ;Air. air self. from back of heart as Emerald Emperess EP
Chartreuse green; Air. mental self.slip out crown. project conscious MP
Yellow ;Fire.higher self.spiral out heart or manifest vortex w/spheres HS
Amber ;Fire .lower self . spiral out from back to raise and love up ! LS
Orange ;Fire. fire self . slide out from right side -split elemental self EP
Red ; self. down.Red Emperor- Lower Realm Projection
Rose ;Earth. female etherical self.back of body peeling off
Gold ;Sun .project up inside spinal pillar
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