Project awareness not conciousness
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04-12-2006, 09:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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This is my method for 'dimensional travel'. I hope I can find words for this stuff as my internal process is NOT based in language. Also I developed it independently as so have little reference. Note that I have traveled both alone and with a single companion. I once tried with two passengers but was unsuccessful.
As far as I can tell any mistakes will simply terminate the traveling awareness leaving the physical and original energies as the were at start of travel. The only danger I know of is that one can travel to 'far' places very different than the material. This can cause shock if you are not psychologically ready to deal with radical alternate possibilities.
Travel for one:
1. (preliminary helpful but not required)
-space, protected from obvious distractions to aid focus
-space, big enough so can build an unobstructed energy bubble 8 feet in diameter
-lighting, mid to low levels
2. Build a static (spherical) energy bubble big enough to entirely encompass your physical form. I can create the bubble directly but simply supercharging your aura will work. Any smooth energy seems to work. If you are not covered, it will be a very short trip (see 9. not dangerous).
3. Align bubble and physical body to make physical form is entirely covered by the energy bubble. I find the a straight body posture makes it easier (standing or laying on back).
4. For best results bring your awareness present.
5. Jostle the energy bubble sharply to dislodge (unglue) your energy body from your physical body. More than one attempt may be required if your energy body has not extended beyond your physical form for a long time (years), OBE travelers should have no problem.
6. Stiffen your physical body and raise your soft palette (back of mouth) as if about to sneeze (mouth closed). A momentary falling sensation towards the back of your head will be felt upon successful take-off.
7. Use intent to initiate traveling to a destination. Once you start moving, your sensory awareness from your physical body will remain and a second stream of awareness of travel will start. The traveling awareness is based on the energy bubble you built (as far as I can tell, its what actually travels). As such, your physical senses do not travel. Sensory overlays are to be expected for some to all senses. Be aware that extreme velocities are to be expected (can transverse this universe in a couple of minutes). I often perceive a network of luminous filaments during this phase. Brighter spots are generally more interesting. Note that you can travel in any axis of reality, not merely within dimensions.
8. For the fun part stop anywhere you wish. Any energy based skills you possess can be used at your location provided they are possible in that location (note that extremely 'far' places may not be made of energy). Note that the energy from the bubble can not be used to power your activity so you must supply additional energy from your physical form. The traveler naturally appears as a point of consciousness and tiny spot of energy which can be detected and interacted with by life forms with the appropriate skills. If you have the energy skills, your traveler can morph in a form for improved interaction. Note that perceived time is much slower that physical (20 minutes of travel will take ~90 minutes by the clock). The Physical (and associated bodies) can do all the normal things provided they stay within and do not disrupt the bubble see 9.
9. To stop traveling, simply focus on your physical form's awareness and slowly dissipate (re-absorb) the energy bubble. The traveling stream of awareness will fade. Returning/reintegrating is not necessary.
Travel for two (adjustments to above).
1a. (preliminary helpful but not required)
-space, big enough so can build and unobstructed energy bubble 8 feet in diameter for each traveler.
2a. Build a static energy bubble big enough to entirely encompass all traveler's physical form. Note that each traveler can create their own bubble and merge them by contacting the bubble with the other person's physical form. The bubbles usually merge automatically (combined need not be spherical).
3a. Align bubble and physical bodies to make sure all physical forms are entirely covered by the energy bubble but physical forms do not touch each other. If physical forms touch, it tend to dissipate the bubble cause travel to fade and stop as per 9.
4a. Freeing more energy bodies is more difficult than for only one.
5a. 6a. 7a. I have always have been the sole 'engine' for transport. I have not encountered any others with dimensional traveling capabilities and do not know what would happen with two transporters. The group stays together but can rearrange and move within the size of the bubble (tricky to know as scale is not persevered across dimensions).
8a. Each passenger is free to use their own energy skills. Each passenger will perceive the same location and general movement at the same time. What each perceives is be based on their individual energetic development. Raw beginners will likely only see fleeting images. Each traveler can perceive the others nearby if they have the energy skills. Physical communication is possible between the physical forms.
9a. In theory, single travelers can stop individually by moving their physical form out of the bubble.
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