I have never remember projecting before, but have in the last year have had many dreams where I find myself in my bed vibrating crazily, but I have no memory afterwards. I had always thought they were just dreams and didn't think it was strange until hearing about astral projection. Two nights ago with this new knowledge that it is possible to leave the body I had a strange dream. I was sitting with a man, a woman, and a little girl, and the woman said we should group project. I felt my body and it started vibrating, but I was still in the dream I was not in my bed as previously. I felt like I was inside my body moving upward in it, I felt a rushing sensation and the sensation of moving upward and remember seeing a grayish outline of a lotus. My memory seems blank here and then I return to my body, but I'm still with the same group of people and the dream continues. Do you think I just dreamed I was projecting or actually projected from a dream and returned to the same dream. Anyone have a similar experience or comment?