Seeing Behind Closed Eyes...
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03-14-2006, 02:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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Seeing Behind Closed Eyes...
I wondered if someone might be able to shed some light on an experience I had last night. Any insight would be much appreciated.
Before drifting off to sleep, I decided to listen to a grounding and protection CD I have. This is quite a common occurence for me. After ten or so minutes, I began to feel a tingling on the right side of my face, particularly around the jaw. I then noticed my energy body shift, in such a way that I felt as though I were falling into trance. My third-eye began to throb slightly, although not painfully.
I was then aware that I could see stuff behind my closed eyes. Almost as though it were imprinted onto a light-coloured screen. The more I focused, I could make out fairly detailed figures/faces. I then found that I was looking at a rather large room with a huge ceiling, in which the windows looked very grand. All of which seemed to be overlaced by a white light. A pair of eyes seemed to shift into my view, and seemed to be peering into me. Throughout, I did not feel scared or worried. Just a curious feeling.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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